Post #1: I offer you below, 2 thought-provoking articles about choice at the end of life. These two individuals, who faced unbearable physical and psychic pain at the end of their lives, made a deliberate decision to end it. The Right to Die is not widely accepted in the United States today. Individual states allow, explicitly prohibit or remain silent on end of life choices. Only a handful of states have Death with Dignity laws, also known as Physician-assisted Dying or Aid in Dying. Based on the idea that qualified terminally ill adults should make the decisions about their own end of life and what pain and suffering they want to endure, these laws allow them to receive prescription medication to hasten their death. The states with these laws are: California, Colorado, Oregon, Vermont, Washington and the District of Columbia; in Montana the State’s Supreme Court has ruled in favor of physician-assisted dying. British Columbia, cited here in the NY Times article, is a province of Canada where Physician Assisted Dying became legal in June 2016. Aid in Dying is a big and contentious issue that I plan to write about from time to time, as applicable. I welcome your thoughts.
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